Template Store
Designer Kajabi Templates & Essential NZ Legal Docs to purchase and customise immediately to suit your business
Customised Legal Documents
for your Website, Online Course and Coaching business.
Select & create your essential legal documents, without the lengthy meetings with lawyers and at a fraction of the price
suitable for NZ Businesses only

Terms & Conditions for Online Course and Coaching business
These Terms and Conditions are for online course providers and can also be used by businesses that provide coaching services as well as an online course.
The Terms and Conditions are designed to be posted on your website, portal, app or otherwise provided directly to your clients for them to agree to as part of their purchase

Website Essentials Bundle
This bundle is for any New Zealand business with a website. All websites should have simple, easy-to-understand website legals which are compliant with NZ law.
This bundle includes Website Terms and Conditions as well as a Privacy Policy which is GDPR compliant for those with customers in Europe and UK.

Coaching and/or Online Course Essentials Bundle
The Coaching or Online Courses Bundle can be used by New Zealand based coaches, online course providers, or businesses who provide both coaching and courses. So, whether you provide e-learning modules, you have a membership for group business coaching, or you provide one-on-one life coaching – these terms are designed for your business!
Kajabi Designer Templates
If none of the built in Kajabi templates for your website or online offerings are to your liking, then you may wish to consider purchasing a designer template.
Designed by trusted Kajabi Partners & Experts, these designer templates come with;
✅ trending design features. ✅ in demand modifications to existing product theme ✅ mobile optimisation
These templates also come with support from the designers themselves to help you upload & customise the templates.

Penny in Your Pocket
Kajabi Templates for website, online courses, community and membership products, podcasts, blogs and sales pages, plus lockable landing pages.

Jiffy Courses Online
Kajabi Templates for websites and online course products with gamification plus timeline funnel & review landing page & blog templates.

Template of the month
The best of Flix by PennyInYourPocket and Gamify Pro by Jiffy Courses Online - in a complete new design. A top notch template!
Do you want some Expert Support while you handle your own online business?
Learn More Here
I love helping people as much as I love coffee.
If we've had a value packed kōrero call together, or perhaps you've had some wins via my blogs. social shares, guest podcasts or free downloads and now you just want to pay it forward & keep me fuelled! - then I'll take an extra hot grande Latte Gracias!
Buy Me A CoffeeKind words from my clients...

Jodine - Social Smarty
"I highly recommend Kate, she's a Kajabi whizz and has taken care of things that have been on my to do list for months!"

Soreya - Soul Sanctuary
"I can't believe it's all up and running so quickly. Tears of joy at a vision that's been sitting in me for way too long."